But sometimes we choose any password which is not strong enough and can easily be cracked by anybody and you may become the victim of the cyber attack and your personal information may be leaked. So, to get protected and stay safe from the cyber-attack, you must use a password that is unbreakable. Read Here- How to change password in windows 10

Common mistakes that people do

They use the same password to login to different accounts. Suppose that you have logged on to Facebook by password ‘fb1902’ and you are using the same password to logged in Gmail also. In case if your Facebook password is exposed in a breach, it is very probable that hackers could also easily access login details of other related accounts. Most of us create a folder or file on our phone or desktop and name them as ‘Passwords’. The folder could easily give easy access to your so-called protected passwords and your password will get known by the hacker.

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These are some common passwords that are most frequently used by users.

123456: This password is the most commonly used password. According to Survey, Password “123456” had been found 23 million times in various data breaches.

123456789: After “123456” password, the most commonly used password is “123456789”, which was used by 7.7 million users. 

“qwerty”: After the above-mentioned password the third most common uses password is “qwerty”. Around 3.8 million users have using “qwerty” as their password.“password”: It appears around 3.6 million people are using this.

“1111111”: It appears 3.1 million people using this as password.

How long does it take to crack a password

The below chart will give you an idea about how long does it take to crack a password-

100 most common passwords

Following are the list of 100 most common passwords that almost every person uses. If your password listed below, please change it immediately.

Top 30 most commonly used passwords

Most common pattern lock combinations

Beside password, there are also Most common pattern lock combinations that can be cracked easily. Some of them are listed below. If you are using any of these patterns on your phone, then change it immediately and stay safe!

Most common iPhone passwords

Following are the most common iPhone password that can easily be guessed by the hacker and you will become the Victim. So, if  you are using any of the following passwords, change it and use a strong password that only you can remember


Tips: How to protect against cyber-attacks

Always use a strong password that is the combination of alphanumeric, special characters, symbols, lower case, and upper case alphabets.Never use any of the passwords that I have mentioned above in the list of the most commonly used password and pattern.Use a Password Manager which encrypts and stores the passwords in a secure vault that is protected by a master password and you will remain safe.Never use the same password to log in multiple accounts.

Top 100 most common passwords   techlabuzz com - 2Top 100 most common passwords   techlabuzz com - 95Top 100 most common passwords   techlabuzz com - 99Top 100 most common passwords   techlabuzz com - 45Top 100 most common passwords   techlabuzz com - 11Top 100 most common passwords   techlabuzz com - 70Top 100 most common passwords   techlabuzz com - 43Top 100 most common passwords   techlabuzz com - 60Top 100 most common passwords   techlabuzz com - 72